Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who am I, and Where did I come from?

When I am asked, who am I, where did I come from?
     My Response is usually fairly automatic. I am Maryanne Schiller, born Davis. I was born in Sacramento, California. I spent most of my early childhood there, but moved to Mississippi as a Military brat, and ended up in Oregon in 95.

     But when I reflect a little deeper. I come from wonderful parents who gave me all that I am physically and temporally in this world. and yet even as I write this, I feel guilty because before that I came from the presence of my Heavenly Father.
     I am literally a daughter of God. and he gave me my spirit body, and the opportunity to obtain my physical body. My earthly parents, and all the blessings in my life that may have come to me through other people, he was the originator.

     Before that I was a little ball of light. Of pure intelligence. I am co eternal with God. I am uncreated. What great Love my Heavenly Father must have for me and all of us, that after he received all that he has, he is desirous that we all should receive it. And that is His purpose, his goal. it amazes me.

     Since I cannot remember all that I was before this estate, I will focus instead on this lifetime.

I am from:

Riding Unicorns with my dad
               One of my very earliest memories involves riding a Unicorn with my dad.  I must have been 3 or 4. My daddy had come home with a very large stuffed unicorn. it was so big I could literally ride on top of it. she was beautiful and had stiff legs & back. and my dad would pull me around the house by the halter. I love unicorns almost as much as I love my dad! My dad also taught me "the Unicorn Song" as silly as it is I still cry when I think of why I'll never see a real unicorn to this very day *sniff* I think I rode that unicorn until its legs were broken and then probably a bit more. 

Smashing Windows with my bare hand
             A little bit older though probably about 4. I remember running through the house chasing my brothers I know Thomas was there but I'm not sure if it was Andrew or Vincent who was the other brother that day. I don't remember why I was chasing them, though we were in our house on Old Mill Way. Mom & Dad were gone and we had a babysitter. The boys ran out the sliding glass door off of the kitchen into the back yard then ran down the side of the house and climbed into their bedroom window. whether it was true or not I had felt like I had been locked outside as silly as that was as I had been the last one through the back door, they did lock their bedroom door to keep me from coming in. I was very mad, I can still remember standing on something and pounding on that window to let me in. then the window shattered and I had a piece that seemed enormous stuck in my wrist. the babysitter called Mom on the hallways phone. I don't remember much after that relating to the situation. but I still have a scar on my wrist about the size of a dime or just a bit smaller.

Stealing Vitamins
            a short memory - but I can vividly remember climbing up the hallway closet in our house on old mill way to get the Flintstones vitamins down and eating them like candy. I knew I was making a bad choice I knew I was stealing. but I did it anyways. 

Dead Frozen Cat
           so very sad. a guilt I have carried my entire life, and still tear up with guilty feelings. Sometime when I was 3 or 4 there was a litter of kittens we were playing with at the kitchen table. I think they were babies from our cat, but I'm not sure. there was one I loved it very much and carried it about.  Mom asked me to go to the deep freeze and bring in Popsicles for everyone. I was not tall enough to hold the kitty and reach the Popsicles and hold the lid up all by myself. so I set the kitty down in the little rack and retrieved them. somehow I must have forgotten the kitty. I took the popsicles in having too much in my hands and probably intended to go back for the kitty.  but I don't know how much later. Mom found a frozen kitty in the freezer. Thomas had thought that that kitty was going to be his, and he has held animosity towards me for that kitty our whole lives and still brings it up from time to time how I killed his cat. I think I have never forgiven myself for that poor kitty either, even though I know it really wasn't entirely my fault. for all I know I had wanted to go back for the kitty but had been told to go outside with my popsicles and had been obedient. and being so young it is not as if I had understood the consequences of putting a living thing in the freezer.  still I feel guilty.

Tunnel Rainbow
           There was a day Mom brought us outside onto the sidewalk. she was so excited as she pointed to the sky, there was a rainbow. and as we looked at it another rainbow added onto it. then another. and another. I have never since that time seen anything so amazing. I am not sure how many rainbow patterns were present that day but looking down our street it looked like we were looking in a rainbow tunnel that stretched the length of our block at least. I wonder what the record is for the longest Rainbow tunnel, or what exactly causes them. but it made a lasting impression on all of us. 
Red Sweater

Ducks, Catfish, Rabbits, Punky & ZZ
              even as early as I can remember I have always been surrounded by a variety of animals. at various early memories I can remember ducks running around in the back yard. a blue plastic swimming pool with catfish dad had brought home and were too muddy to eat right away so they lived in the swimming pool for a while. rabbits in their hutches. Punky my first dog. a black lab puppy that would tear the clothes off the clothesline. I named her after Punky Brewster my favorite tv character at the time. she escaped out of the backyard. someone must of left the gate open. and I don't know if it was me or not, but I felt the guilt. Our rabbits died of dehydration mom said, someone must have forgotten to water them. Don't know if it was my fault, but I felt the guilt. ZZ was the family Boxer we had her as early as I can remember until a very ripe old age. she stayed with us through several moves until she died of old age when I was 9 or 10 maybe even a little older.

Rooftop with Mary Poppins' Umbrella
             My brothers should could think up some fantastic ideas! makes me think twice about letting my boys watch Mary Poppins now. LoL. don't remember whose idea it was exactly. but my brothers and I climbed onto the roof and they handed me an umbrella and were trying to convince me and themselves that if they jumped off the roof holding the opened umbrella that we could fly. Dad must have heard the plans as was hiding on the roof already when we got there and he came up behind the boys holding them by their pants hung them over the side of the roof and asked them if they really wanted to fly. they were SO scared... we were ALL in  BIG trouble. 

House Bombing nightmare
             its kinda funny to look back and see where a silly fear came from. a simple misunderstanding of an adult conversation that turned into the first dream I could ever remember. and it turned into a recurring one. . . . In my dream . . . .  We are all outside our home sitting on the porch swing waiting for the house to be bombed. some men in white suits with face masks come and go. but I need to go potty. so mom lets me into the house and has me hold my breath. I run through the house that is filled with a white smoke and into the bathroom. and just as I sit down a snake comes up through the potty and bites my but. . . .  I looked into the potty before I sat down for many many years, and even today if I'm using a porta potty I still look... just in case.   
              talking to my mom about this dream, she had explained to me that there was a time when were going to "bomb" the house for fleas. and it happens to be about the same time that there was a problem with snakes being reported on the news. there had been some sort of infestation that year of a certain variety of snakes. it is easy to see how I put the information together.

Everything I own in the garbage
              Mom and Dad sold our House on Old Mill Way. one day we came home and everything we owned was being thrown into a very large garbage bin. I didn't know until later that they had been cheated and swindled by some very unscrupulous people. and literally lost their home and their credit because of them, besides most of our stuff. But that day, sitting in the car, as my dad yelled at the men throwing our things in the garbage and we seemed to not be able to do anything about it, I saw my unicorn on the top of the garbage pile. and I never saw it again. 

A new apartment

swinging from door to door
My dad's a wolf?
Run over by a monster truck on my trike
Car driving itself
Never ring the doorbell twice
Cattail Elementary
Dinosaur Bones
Daddy has been in a wreck
Moving into Grandma's House
memories of grandma and grandpa Bob
Papa Dies
Never too big to be daddy's little girl
Puff the magic pooper
Jack, Jenny, Dutch, Momma & babies
WWF - Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper
Fence sitting
dropped out of a tree
no one to help when I fell down skating
passed out on my bike
Rotten apples
Christmas memories
broken arm
Family reunion
body building
Girl friends & boy friends
Flower girl
stolen pearls
Oddball Introvert
"F" is for Correct answers
Stupid suffocation games
Christmas Present never came
Dad is strangled with a clothes hanger by a ghost?
Halloween memories
Daddy Goes to war
Home School
My first real friend paints a mural

travel to Mississippi
thunder & lighting storms
A bucket of Chicken necks
The squirrel didn't like Thomas
Home again

Neatly Carefully One Step at a time
The McPikes
Cleaning Business
Home Alone and someone bad is at the door
1st baby sitting
dear brother.....who burned off his eyebrows and blew up his face
shot in the butt with a sawed off shotgun
Ghosts in the house?
burying my dead hamster in the middle of the night by myself.
Dad's at war again
Girls Camp
travel to Mississippi AGAIN
kicked out of the Alamo
Poopy stolen from the car
Chigger beds
Mississippi sunburns
New friends
High School
corporal punishment
Fire Ants
The Prophecy
Clinically depressed
plastic surgery
friends, sex, drugs, money etc.
Handcuffed to a tree
fight in the park
skipping school
Run Away, captured and returned.
Paul & other boys
drop out of school
PCC & indecent exposure
MY best friend Katie
Street walker in Portland
Bad boys
The 4th of July 1998 (the day I met my husband)
Moving out/moving in
a covenant.....broken..... a new house lost
Putting Poopy to sleep
Losing my great job find night shift
attempted suicide
St. Matthew Catholic Church
sell the house I go my way, he goes his.
a 400 sqft house demolished
bungee jumping
I'm Evil... Spawn of Satan...
Broken up & re-united
High Romance
OMG! I'm pregnant
Move to Portland
Money Shower
Yasmine is Born
Move to Quatama
Visiting Teachers
Elder Herb
Move to Beaverton
Grounds for divorce (but I won't)
illness, miracle, pregnancy, Covenant never to be broken!
sister missionaries
dreaming of Garden Room
PM Bookkeeping
Message from Heavenly Mother
A Promise with hope for a celestial future
One Angry Duck is Born.
Patient prayer answered
Move again.... Hi Neighbor Lady
OH! Henry!
And along comes John!
Abomination of Desolation
mystery illness
God gives me a dream home
and James
Goodbye career Hello Mommyhood
Magic Chicken
Greg loses his job and finds treasures
Herbology & Theology

My Greatest desires for myself
My Greatest desires for my family

My Testimony

Each of the above sections will eventually be written as short paragraphs or stories with the goal to tell the story of my life. not so much for publishing but for my own records and posterity

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